Modern systems come to the aid of state and private companies working with clients especially with a great flow of clients and interested in proper and timely assessment of the service quality.
The head of the company needs reliable information on the service quality. How is the client satisfied with the result? Has he received all the necessary information? How does he evaluate the work of the personnel? Most objective answers are needed for these and many other questions. But clients do not like to fill in paper forms, and if they fill them, it takes a lot of time and influences the person’s emotional state. And further data processing? It is also a challenge.
The situation can be called perfect or almost perfect when the client’s impressions are recorded exactly at the moment of service performance and the client’s assessment corresponds to the service type, certain expert and the waiting time in a queue. To accomplish this task a technological solution able to integrate with the systems existing in the company, for example, document circulation, electronic queue and others, is required.
At present, there is a great number of hardware and software that help to construct a professional service quality assessment system and bring this process to a new level. The most convenient way for users and clients is construction and operation of the central system of information collection and analysis in combination with client terminals.
Client terminals are installed at desks and service windows, cash desks and any other places where clients can receive services. Right at the terminal screen the client is offered to answer one or several questions concerning the service quality, the number and content of questions can be changed by the administrator or set automatically at all terminals. The obtained data help to promptly draw conclusions and make amendments to the survey system. In addition to this, the results can be supplemented with other system data and be presented to the interested party as ready reports. The formed reports will show the most detailed picture of the actual service quality, indicate problem areas that need improving.
Capabilities of service quality assessment systems:
- Survey performance
- Development of algorithms for performing surveys and scenario of interviewees’ answers
- Grade-based and qualitative assessment of the service system and experts’ work
- Centralized collection, storage and provision of survey results in the form of reports
- Comparison of survey results with electronic queue statistics